Relatively Paradoxical


This is the site where we try to discern the truth of things via the use of available information, pure logic, and absolutely nothing else.

A bit of a grandiose statement, I agree, but this approach does often seem to serve me well, that is until I try to use it to get to the true nature of Special Relativity, then something strange starts to happen. Not only do I find that it seems beyond my understanding, but it appears that I have that problem in common with many of the, ‘experts’ in the field. So when I approach these people, with my confusion, they all seem to go into a sort of defensive panic. Almost as if they fear being ‘found out’? 

So dear reader, I forgive you for wondering if I am some sort of Flat Earther or some sort of crank. (Sometimes I wonder myself.) All I ask is that you read on and then perhaps, if you’re smart enough, you will be able to explain to me, the error of my ways.

I hope you’re sitting comfortably. Lets begin. 

I was born the year Einstein died and on the 10th anniversary of his death there was a great deal of talk about his life and his theories in the media. It struck me, immediately that the basic postulates, combined with some of the other basic tenets of special relativity appear to lead, at least as presented, directly to a number of rather strange paradoxes:

Postulate 1. The laws of physics take the same form in all inertial frames of reference.

Postulate 2. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity ‘C’ that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.

Some basic tenets of special relativity.

1.  That any object, in motion, will be foreshortened in its direction of motion, dependant upon its rate of motion such that achieving the speed of light is rendered impossible, as this would also require the object to become infinitely thin. Please see:

2. That any object, in motion, will gain ‘relativistic mass’ dependant upon its rate of motion such that achieving the speed of light is rendered impossible as this would require the acquisition of an infinite amount of mass.  See below:

 3. That any object, in motion, relative to an observer, will experience a slowing down of the passage of time, relative to time as measured by the observer, dependent upon the object’s rate of travel. [This is exemplified by the famous twin brother thought experiment etc.]   See below:

To demonstrate some of the resulting paradoxes, that logic would seem to indicate, and perhaps get some answers, I wrote a little quiz (I was only 10!) Years later I decided to incorporate it in to my Novel ‘Adriana’ and attribute it to a nine year old character in the book.

So here it is from the book:

Andromeda’s List of Impossible questions (age 9)

As you can see, these paradoxes relate to the basic tenets of special relativity in the same order that they are listed above. (Length contraction, then ‘relativistic mass’ and finally, time dilation.)

So why, you may ask, do I think any of this might be interesting to you. Well it is just that there seems to be some sort of blind spot within the minds of most modern physicists. For example, they offer a whole range of different explanations for time dilation and in particular the reason why the ‘travelling brother’, in the twin brother thought experiment, winds up being younger than his sibling. We have the, “all of this is because one of the brothers accelerated and the other didn’t” explanation.

Then there is the length contraction explanation:

Of course there is Einstein’s own light clock on a train explanation, which requires neither acceleration nor length contraction.

Strangely, people often mix in observed effects like those due to Doppler effects and time delays that, of course, would have no bearing on the relative ages of the brothers when they, once again, meet up! 
The blind spot?
Well we have the tech to observe time dilation directly as in GPS satellites, at the LHC, with atomic clocks in air craft and even when checking the telemetry of a vehicle coasting on its way to the moon and back again for example. So no need for acceleration? [Unless, of course, one were to contend that the universe makes a distinction between objects that happened to have accelerated at some time in their past and those that, somehow, hadn’t!] The direction of travel can also be directly observed to be irrelevant as is, of course, direction change! (All observers see the same amount of actual time dilation regardless of their location as far as direction alone is concerned (you could send them a photograph of an on-board clock, for example.) Of course, it goes without saying that all observers would be required not to be in motion relative to one another in this instance.)

All of this seems to be considered irrelevant to those that would claim possession of the most expertise in this field. It’s almost as if they are afraid to admit that they are confused by this subject. No surprise there!

[Ok, it’s about here that many would start to shut down, but I’m hoping you are different.]

Anyway, so I’m shouting, “Ha Ha the emperor’s got no clothes on”, but maybe I’m just the fool here. I think it would be fun to find out, don’t you?

To this end I thought I might show you how one well known physicist, a man who has authored well over a hundred physics papers and articles, responded to this section, in my book (shown above). It’s a great example. So in response to the quiz and in particular to the first question (about whether or not a train blocked the lights) he states the following:

“These are well-known mental exercises in special relativity; George Gamow, for instance, had some wonderful popular science books decades ago, in which a character named Mr. Tompkins explores precisely these puzzles (    So then, my hints:    1the key is that simultaneity is relative. (Mr. Tomkins, as I recall, had a similar problem about a car fitting or not fitting in a garage.) Those on the train may see two signals triggered by the two ends of the train at the same time but not at the same place. For those at the platform, these two signals will not appear at the same time. For those on the platform, at no time will the train appear to be present at both sensors simultaneously. Common fallacy: people assume, based on high school formulas, that the Lorentz transformations are merely about clock dilation or length contradiction as opposed to transforming space and time together. Spatial distance translates into time and vice versa, when moving coordinate frames are considered.”

Note that here he seems unaware that this is a length contraction question and not a simultaneity problem at all. (There are no signals being observed or travelling down the length of a moving train, or anything like that involved!) The question is not about when the train did or didn’t block the lights [perhaps it would have been better if I had chosen to have just one light] but it is about whether the train didn’t or, for that matter, did block the lights at all, at any time! (If you like, you can imagine the train was a light year long etc!)

As with all these questions, the results of the relativistic effect being examined produce ‘real world effects’ that can then be observed by all, regardless of their inertial frame of reference or location. A dead cat is a dead cat to all! So no surprise then that he didn’t tick any of the boxes then!

If you are interested, I have written an example of what a ten year old me might have come up with as a simultaneity paradox question, if it had occurred to me, and it is shown later.

Moving on, we come to his response to the second question which relates to the fact that objects approaching the speed of light, in accordance with Einstein’s special theory of relativity, can be observed to have gained effective mass in direct relation to the rate of their observed motion:

 “2. So sure, in the center-of-mass reference frame, the debris field is spherical. But it is evolving with time. So when you transform it into a moving reference frame, velocities change and the field becomes lopsided in that reference frame. This doesn’t even have anything to do with relativity theory.”

In this response he seems to be ignoring:

1. The simple fact that the mass of objects have a very considerable effect on the outcome of any collisions they are involved in.

2. Objects accelerated to near the speed of light can gain a great deal of ‘relativistic mass’ [there is no theoretical upper limit to the amount.]

3. An objects velocity is entirely observer dependent. Travel with an object that is travelling near the speed of light (from one observers point of view that is) and it would, for you, appear and would actually be, stationary. [‘There is no preferred frame of reference!’ Albert Einstein.]

As with all these questions, the results of the relativistic effects observed produce ‘real world effects’ that can then be observed by all, regardless of their inertial frame of reference or location. A cone of debris or for that matter a sphere of debris, would be the same for all observers. Observers who could choose to return to the scene of the collision, stop their relative motion, take a good look and then maybe even compare the videos they took of the event whist they were in motion or otherwise, as described in the question.

I got the impression he was a little annoyed by this one, but in any event he ticked no boxes!

Finally we come to my variant of the twin paradox. This question relates to the fact that all brothers would observe their siblings to be in rapid motion relative to themselves (whilst stationary within their own frame of reference) and therefore ageing more slowly than their siblings. When two brothers are considered, one can assume that, because one brother travelled away and came back and the other didn’t, the explanation for the local asymmetrical passage of time lies in this. But what if both do and what if all their movements are perfectly mirrored. Then what?

So, anyway this is how the great professor responded.   

” 3. This is just another variant of the “twin paradox”. In this form, it is based on a simply fallacy, really just a cheap parlor trick: you must realize that in order for the participants to meet for a second time, at least some of them must change inertial systems en route. The numbers tell their own story, but what remains true is that between any two spacetime events (an event is characterized as a specific location at a specific time) an observer that follows an inertial trajectory measures the most elapsed time. Observers whose velocity changes between the two events will measure less time. As the extreme, an observer who leaves the first event in some direction traveling at nearly the vacuum speed of light, then turns around instantaneously and travels back just in time for the second event will experience almost no time elapsed at all. And yes, observers who follow symmetrical trajectories in opposite directions will, when they meet again, be of the same age. Hope this helps. If you can get a hold of those Mr. Tompkins books, I think you’ll enjoy them. The illustrations are delightful.”

His annoyance is almost palpable this time, although he does appear to calm down a bit towards the end.

This child’s question is ‘just a cheap parlor trick’ is it? What do you think?

Any idea what the ‘simply fallacy’ that he is referring to, actually is?

Note, he completely ignores the fact that, according to their observations, each of the brothers would expect to be, at the end of his journey, the oldest one!

Now I’m not arguing against relativity, that would be ridiculous. No, I’m just observing that these people, actually, really don’t get it! It’s as if they know everybody thinks they do and they are keen to keep it that way. Hence the responses above!  So no boxes ticked and, of course, no explanation for the choice of box.

[At the risk of stating the obvious, I think I should state here that, throughout their entre journey and regardless of their direction of travel, the brothers, if they could observe each other, whilst accounting for irrelevant complications such as Doppler effects and delays etc, would, according to the received wisdom, observe his siblings light clock to be running slow! (Of course there would be an infinitely brief period when the two orbiting brothers would be following parallel paths, but the rest of the time…!)]

So, as advised, I bought and read the book (Mr Tompkins by George Gamow) and to my surprise I found no mention of any cars or garages within. I did however find a number of strange errors. 

I thought that Edwin Hubble was aware that the Andromeda Galaxy was approaching us back in 1925 and I was certainly aware of it in 1965 when, by coincidence, George Gamow’s book was published; yet strangely, within the book, he clearly indicates that he thinks the Andromeda Galaxy is receding!  Quite a large number of other scientific errors appear in the book that I think one might allow for, given when the book was written. There is however one, shall we call it, anomaly, which is particularly relevant to the above.

Early, in this rather childish book, (replete with talking electrons and naughty positrons) he explains that the time dilation, on an imaginary train, is as a result of the activities of the brakeman and the engine driver and therefore as a result of acceleration. Later, in the same book, he clearly ascribes it to velocity.

Now, to be clear, I am NOT saying both can’t be true, but what I am saying is that; that is NOT what is being said in the book which, in this case, rather begs the question, if it were so, then why not? So there we have it, the great George Gamow, seemingly as confused as everybody else!  Do you think he would have ticked any of my boxes?

Of course, I am not saying all of science is wrong and that I’m right. No, I’m saying that what is being said by many is often inconsistent and sometimes seemingly illogical. Science, in my opinion, is all about precision; using the best available data and the purest logic, often in it’s most pristine mathematical form, to determine the true nature of something, but present this child’s questions to a physicist and, well in my experience, that’s not what you get. You see, in this reality there really can only be one correct answer to each of the three questions. Not no answer, or for that matter, multiple different correct answers either. But when I show this to one of my physicist friends I get a lot of rather nebulous generalisations backed by the, me great expert you know nothing, approach. (The sort of thing you might have got from Ptolemy or Pope Urban Vlll.)

 Surly boxes ticked and precise reasoning is required here! Am I wrong?

So anyway, writing in 2023, this is what I probably would have written, as a simultaneity question, in 1965!

A girl (girl A) contrives to close and then open two widely separated switches at the same time. Another girl (girl B), because of her location and her rate of relative motion, sees first one switch closed then opened and then the other switch closed and then opened. She insists that at no time were both switches closed at the same time. She also goes on to point out that her view of the sequence of events is as valid as any other.

Girl A disagrees because, from her point of view, both switches were closed simultaneously, completing a circuit that caused a light to flash. A flash that both girls saw!

So please tick the correct answer:

1. Girl B is correct because quote,  ‘it is impossible to say in an absolute sense that two distinct events occur at the same time if those events are separated in space.’

2. Girl A is correct because, the light would only have come on if in fact both switches were closed at the same time and therefore any observation that this did not occur must be illusory.

I leave it to you to imagine the boxes!

I look forward, if any dare to respond, to what solutions to these paradoxes might be offered, but please note that only answers that ‘tick a box’ will be taken seriously! 

Also note that answers that tick a box without a clear and complete explanation would obviously, also be insufficient! For example a choice of box ‘3’ in the three brothers thought experiment that didn’t explain away the observations of brother A and B , would obviously also be a fail!

(The comments icon is right at the very bottom!)

Please offer your answers here; if you find you can’t, that’s ok, there’s still fun to be had. Got any sciency friends? Want to see them in pain?



Having just watched Greta Thunberg’s appeal to the United Nations [ ] a friend asked me, “So Mr. Logic, what’s the logical way forward with all this?” Well, in the time-honored tradition, I rose to the task.
It has always seemed to me that logic requires a degree of clarity. To that end, I propose that we first state/accept that, as a result of human activity, global temperatures continue to rise with potentially catastrophic results.
[Please note that I am starting from the premise that global warming is real and a deadly threat based on the observation that the scientific evidence is overwhelming and compelling to the extent that there is no rational/logical way to contest it!]

                                                     THE QUESTION

In line with what I was asked, I would like to propose that we define the question to be answered to be: What is the best strategy to employ in order to prevent a global warming catastrophe?

                                    UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM

Okay, my attempt to use logic to define the main cause of this problem is probably the first part of this blog that is likely to be controversial.

You see, it is not the fact that we are increasing, year on year, our level of industrial activity that is inherently harmful. We could, in theory, double our energy usage whilst cutting CO2 emissions significantly! It would simply require the replacement of fossil fuels with renewables! Wind and solar power for example.

The same goes for the population explosion. Just like more industrialization, having more people doesn’t help, but you could double the world population and still cut back on the emissions that having even more people might be expected to create, if you could just modify their behavior sufficiently.


So, although there are many bad things happening that contribute to global warming, they are not the real problem. The real problem, although something that may seem obvious when revealed, remains hidden from view, for most of us.
Perhaps an anecdote would help here.
When I was about five I sat in front of our black and white TV whilst a woman spoke of her devotion to Jesus. To my utter astonishment, she said something that, to my innocent mind, seemed impossibly strange. She said, ‘I choose to believe’ and throughout the conversation, she said it several times. You see, in common with Greta Thunberg, I have a type of autism that, whilst it may render us less able to do certain things than would be the case if we were ‘normal’, it does, perhaps, enable us to excel at others. We see the world through the filter of logic and we never, ever get to choose what we believe. What we believe is imposed on us by evidence and logic alone and we don’t get a choice in the matter. So, to see an adult actually indicating that what she believed was determined by how she felt about something seemed utterly ridiculous to me then, and frankly, in that respect, since then, nothing much has changed.
I now believe [based on the available evidence] that the biggest single source of humanity’s problems, past and present, is this tendency for ‘normal’ people to ‘choose to believe’. To select those things they choose to believe are true or false based primarily on how those choices make them feel, leaving them wide open to all sorts of confirmation bias, conspiracy theories, propaganda, and indoctrination. Open to all sorts of, what to us ‘logicals’, appear to be absolutely ludicrous mystical and irrational belief systems.

At its core this explains why Germans thought they were better than Jews, Jews better than Gentiles, Turks better than Armenians, Japanese better than Chinese, whites better than blacks, and so on… why the majority of people walk around thinking that there is an invisible man who magicked the universe into existence and, for some reason, loves us all. This, of course, being why we have suffered centuries of religious conflict, the burning of witches, self-flagellation, pointless crusades, and the enthusiastic activities of the Spanish Inquisition for example. (You could probably lump most terrorism and a vast array of other nefarious activities in amongst that lot as well if you like. I won’t hold it against you, but I’m sure there are those who would!)

So it’s not people that are the real enemy, it is the way they think!

When I watched Greta Thunberg’s address I felt her rage and her frustration, but I saw something else; confusion. Her mind simply could not make sense of a world where people ignore its slow, but inevitable destruction. I know all this because, unlike her, I’ve been around a long time and I have had time to work it all out. I remember that same confusion I felt when I first realized that the USA and USSR were building enough bombs to kill us all, several times over. That is probably why she said, “You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency, but no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil.” She was wrong, however, President Trump, for example, was more than capable of understanding the situation, a child could and Trump was not necessarily evil. What was happening here was this. He believed (and probably still does)  that his route to a successful and possible two-term presidency, lay in an extensive ‘rejuvenation’ of the American economy via reindustrialization and that acting to reduce carbon emissions was incompatible with that aspiration, so what did he do? He chose to believe the global warming doubters (often funded by the petrochemical industry) and he chose to believe that there is no real danger at all. That global warming is all mostly fake; exaggerated etc!

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Now I don’t propose that I know the source of this phenomenon. It may have evolved, along with our increasing intelligence, because it helped counter the adverse effects of becoming aware of the somewhat bleak and irrelevant true nature of our existence and, perhaps, the knowledge that if we are lucky, we are going to grow old, no doubt suffer and then die!

I suspect that it is quite possibly, partially subconscious, but the fact that people can often be heard to say, “I choose to believe” would tend to suggest that somehow, it is also often the product of some sort of conscious intent. In any event, the reason why this happens is not something I am able to discern, the fact that it does is, nonetheless, an observable fact.
So, that, believe it or not, at its core, is the real reason why we have a global warming crisis. Armed with this knowledge a number of approaches to solving this problem might be suggested and that is the subject of the next section.

                                                               THE SOLUTION

You could try, maybe through education, to change the way people think, so that they all become logical beings like me and possibly Greta, but even if that was desirable, changing a world dominated by Dr. McCoys and Captin Kirks into one full of Mr. Spocks is something we don’t have the time or the means to do!
You could continue to rail against the behavior of the general public, demanding, begging, and cajoling them into changing their selfish ways, but there’s a reason why that has and will continue not to work. Sure you can tell Mr. Jones that from now on he should cycle to work in the rain, no longer jet off to sunnier climes for three weeks a year with his family and, of course, give up the burgers and the Sunday roast. The problem is that humans are basically selfish beings. They don’t want to give up their creature comforts and constantly telling them that they should tends to just make them feel guilty. At least that is the case with the ones that believe you until of course, they choose not to! Disseminating information about required/desirable lifestyle changes is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but in the long run, doing so is not going to save the world. In the end, most people will simply choose not to believe you!
What about civil unrest? A while back, in London, we had ecology protesters interfering with transport links. I saw pictures of people sitting on the tops of tube trains, for example, successfully creating a considerable amount of transport disruption. So, let’s put ourselves in the mind of one of the passengers. Maybe late for work he/she gets a dressing down from the boss. “That’s the third time you have been late this week, you know about the protesters. What, you think this is some kind of charity? Just get your arse out of bed and get here on f***ing time” Or imagine that you’re trying to explain it all to your inconsolable daughter whose birthday party you just missed. It’s the sort of thing that makes people very angry, even people who might previously have believed in global warming. This situation, within their minds, creates a kind of uncomfortable dissonance. They believe that there is a global warming problem but, at the same time, hate the people who are trying to do something about it, and suddenly, to the angry traveler, the protesters now seem like a ‘bunch of extremists’. So one of two things can occur within the traveler’s minds to resolve this dissonance problem:
1. Conclude that, given the importance of the global warming problem, their blind rage is unjustified.
2. Choose to believe that their rage is justified because the extremist’s concerns are not!
Want to guess which they will choose?
Well, even though I like to keep my personal feelings and opinions away from this website, I think I should say that the protesters who carried out these selfless acts, knowingly put themselves in grave danger for a cause that they believed in. They knew they were unlikely to get out of the situation they had put themselves in, unscathed. They couldn’t even have been certain that they would survive it, but they did it anyway, not for their own benefit but, rightly or wrongly, for the benefit of all. I can’t think of a better definition of courage than that.

A climate change protester being dragged off the top of a tube train before being punched, kicked, and stamped on by an angry crowd.

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So, although I’m sure you are already aware of where I’m going with this, just to be clear, I would like to say that, laudable though these protesters’ actions may be, it is sadly the case that they may also be counter-productive. You see, they may not just be turning the public against themselves, they may also, inadvertently, be turning the public against what they believe! That there is a climate change emergency!

So what, you may ask, would work?
As you might suspect, saving the world is never going to be simple or easy, but I believe there is a path that, logic would seem to suggest, is the one most likely to be successful. Rather than dive straight in and start preaching I think, lest my proposal seem a little outlandish, I should first set out some of the circumstances that have led me to the above conclusion:
1. Based on my observation of human behavior, I have come to the conclusion that most people are largely driven by their emotions. You can tell them, the people of the UK for instance, that among the many deaths (34,361) at the time of writing, approximately 27,000 people have drowned, many of them children, whilst trying to illegally migrate to the UK. (

Sure, they will acknowledge it’s a bad thing and ponder it for a moment but show them this:

Untitled 10.pngThe body of just one of the many innocent children that have died this way and suddenly the ‘normal’ people are all mortified. This terrible, sad picture then appears on the front of every national newspaper and is the main subject of every news broadcast in the UK for almost a week!
2. For the reasons I have set out above, it would not be possible to basically shame enough people into giving up the things they love. Sure some will, but nowhere near enough. You can’t expect to change human nature overnight so all you, at best, could hope to achieve would be a slight slowing of the process, but there is a group of people who could very easily stop global warming and these people are the politicians. Shouting and ranting at politicians, for the reasons set out above, will not work. They will always follow to where they believe their best interests lie. But they all have an Achilles heel. Even dictators must try to remain popular if they want to stay in power and in democracies the vote is everything.
So we need to persuade people to just do the one simple, painless, and yet most powerful thing they could ever do to help solve this problem. To draw an ‘x’ in the right box! How do we persuade them? Well, we know that people are generally driven by their emotions so rather than fight that tendency I would suggest it be accepted and used, just as it has been by propagandists over the centuries, but this time to humanity’s advantage. So sure, tell people about and explain climate change:

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But far more effectively, we need the media to show them climate change:

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An island home before being completely submerged by rising sea levels.

To show how Them:

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Safe Britain where Annie Hall was recently swept away and drowned by floodwater.

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Lives destroyed:

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CBBC Newsround | World | 'Worst' floods hit Philippines

Terrible floods and landslides! More than 260 000 affected as rains hit ...

Thousands of animals perish among massive ongoing forest fires across ...

Show Them:

What happens when your hunting grounds just melt away.blog31.png

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There are many more harrowing pictures that I could have shown you, but those of you who have got this far are not the ones that need convincing, and the climate change deniers? Well, they won’t be reading these words, will they!

So far we have seen some very compelling television programs outlining the nature of global warming and the need for urgent action, but what has been largely missing, in my opinion, is clear, easy-to-follow instructions on precisely what the viewers should be doing about it. We need to be ‘showing’ global warming and most importantly, identifying the politicians who are taking appropriate action and those who are not and then indicating, purely on this basis alone, who those concerned about climate change should vote for and against. Who they should support or oppose. This would give almost everyone a very easy way to do something effective about global warming.

Not a million years ago we, in the UK, as a result of a general election, were been bombarded with environment-centric sound bites. ‘A greener economy’ ‘self-sustainable’, ‘tackling the climate emergency’ were phrases that British politicians were shoehorning into their public speeches. Just one example of the misleading nature of these sound bites (as we saw yet another price increase in the cost of train travel, forcing more people out of the trains and into their cars) was the fact that the installation of solar panels in the UK had recently fallen by 94%. And the reason? A government pledged to, and repeatedly promising “a greener economy” had cut solar panel installation subsidies and feed-in tariffs.
And here is another one:
Another well-known British politician was promising to plant 2,000,000,000 trees by 2040. That represents the entire paraphernalia of digging a small hole and planting a tree occurring 190 times a minute for every minute of every day and every night for the entirety of every year until 2040. That’s just over 3 a second. Clearly, that was never going to happen, but even if it did, and in fact, even if the entire UK economy were to somehow become completely carbon neutral tomorrow, it would make almost no difference to the climate crisis at all!

The UK contributes barely 1% of worldwide CO2 emissions!

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So there, in a nutshell, is a perfect example of the problem that needs to be fixed. It’s a global problem and I think most people are aware that politicians can’t always be relied upon to honour their promises. However, if enough people, around the world, started responding to the climate emergency and voting accordingly, then it would be a problem that would tend to fix itself. Politicians, seeing what was going on, would soon begin to realize that choosing to believe in the climate emergency, and therefore acting appropriately, would now be the politically expedient thing to do and that putting out slogans and sound bites and then doing nothing or perhaps making things even worse, would not! You see that fact is, unless the ‘powers that be’ can be persuaded to stop setting carbon neutral targets off in the distance, presumably for other people to achieve (2050 is a common one), and start taking the sorts of actions that are urgently required to actually counter global warming now, this problem is just going to get worse. Much worse!

Just some thoughts and possible objections:

I suspect that some people would say something along the lines of, “This will never work because people tend to vote on the basis of loyalty to a particular party, and expecting them, en masse, to change their voting habits is fanciful and unrealistic”.

To this, I would say that this objection, in fact, highlights one of the reasons why this approach might actually work quite well. You see, the loyal block votes often tend not to be the ones that finally determine who does and does not stay, or get into power, and the politicians know this. In the UK we call them ‘swing voters’. Voters for whom political parties are not like football clubs to be supported come what may, but are the ones who will change their allegiance depending upon how they feel about individuals and/or their policies. These are the people, across the world, who finally tend to be the ones that determine who gets into power and who stays there, so become one of them and your vote may count for more than you might think!

Others may ask, “Who is to say what it is the politicians should actually be doing?”

What I see going on at the moment looks a lot like a sort of, ‘scattergun’ approach. Some protesters doing something here, a television program there, speeches, and a whole raft of articles on the internet and in magazines for example.

I believe we should draw on the knowledge of the world’s leading experts in order to define exactly what it is that should be done by each and every administration to counter global warming. Some ideas might be a requirement to provide significant funding to assist in the installation of solar panels, funded perhaps by putting tariffs on products that result from unsustainable beef production, palm oil, and hardwoods derived via the destruction of the Amazon rainforest for example. The imposition of a landing tax at airports to help fund the development of far less damaging aircraft that in turn would, of course, be allowed to land tariff-free, might be a good idea. With political will, a great deal is possible, for example, twenty years from now we could all be flying about in carbon-neutral electric planes. Sounds like science fiction?

Blog 33.pngHow about now?

Then there are wind farms. The UK, for example, is such a windy island that we could easily produce enough electricity, from wind farms dotted around our coasts and rural areas, to power the country to the end of the century. The technology already exists and the installation process, in spite of the huge scale involved, is actually quite straightforward, but nobody has set about doing this or for that matter, is even promising to do so. Perhaps that needs to change, but to be honest, I’m not an expert in these matters and it would seem to me that the best people to determine what the followers of this blog should be requiring of their representatives, should be the experts in the field.

Some might suggest that I am just asking everyone to vote for the Green party or the equivalent, but I think we should be apolitical and focus only on what the people in power are actually doing and what those likely to obtain power are promising to do. Given the obvious urgency of the situation (at least obvious to me that is!) I do not believe we have the time to waste on protest votes etc. It seems that the best way forward would be to focus on getting appropriate action taken as soon as possible.

Many would say that we should (somehow) be targeting the large international companies, but just as it is irrational to expect Mr. Jones, to cycle to work in the rain, forgo sunny holidays, and give up the burgers and the Sunday roast. It is the case that it is also completely illogical to expect companies to unilaterally take sufficient action to solve the climate change problem by themselves. Mr. Jones would be able to see that his neighbour, Mr Smith is not taking these actions and therefore he and his family might well ask why the hell should they! (It is also the case, of course, that Mr Smith and his family might be thinking exactly the same thing!) A similar thing happens with companies. You can’t expect company ‘A’ to take action that it perceives, rightly or wrongly, will disadvantage it when competing with company ‘B’ and of course, the same thing works in exactly the same way, the other way around. After all, changing the way you operate normally incurs costs. In some instances, massive costs! Would you risk upsetting your investors or even bankrupting your business to save the world for everyone else, including those who would inevitably replace you in the marketplace? What we need, to deal with this dilemma, is something that is perceived to maintain ‘a level playing field’ for all concerned and there is one way and only one way that this could ever be provided! It’s called legislation!

So can I now ask you for a favor:

If you have got this far and agree with what I have proposed here, please send this on to your friends, etc. The more people that see this the better and the less likely it is that the rest of the Amazon rainforest will end up looking like this: 

blog 40 .pngblog 41.pngblog 44 .pngblog42 .png The Amazon Rainforest

Did you feel my pain as you viewed these images? If you did then know that the whole world should be feeling that pain right now and that is something you can do something about. Share this with your friends because this is the logical way to save the world!

We Are Not Alone


This is the site where we try to discern the truth of things by the use of available information, pure logic, and absolutely nothing else. You may be surprised by some of the results.

Irrational belief systems, wishful thinking and straightforward confirmation bias find their way into many aspects of our intellectual and political lives. The world of scientific investigation, sadly, is no exception in this respect, but in this site an honest attempt is being made to show what things would look like without all that misleading baggage.


Ok, in recent years there has been a lot of stuff in the media, propounded by scientists and professors and the like, that seems to completely defy the laws of logic and is, at the very least, extremely misleading. A lot of this seems to spring from a peculiar piece of nonsense called:

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The Drake Equation.

In the early sixties, Frank Drake and a group of scientists got together and came up with a way to calculate the number of alien civilizations that are currently broadcasting their existence to the rest of the universe and it took the form of the following equation:

N= R* fp ne fL fi fc L


N = The number of civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

R* = The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life. [10]

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems. [0.5]

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life. [2]

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears. [1]

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges. [0.01]

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space. [0.01]

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space. [10,000]

After each of the explanations of what each of the terms represent, I have placed in brackets, the number that the scientists decided would be most likely to be the correct quantity involved.

So if we input the numbers we get this:

N= R  x  fp   x   nx  fL   x   fi      x   fc     x     L

       10    x  0.5   x    2       x   1     x   0.01  x  0.01  x 10000 = 10

So therefore according to Drake, the other scientists and their equation, there are 9 other civilisations in our galaxy alone that are currently broadcasting their presence, with electromagnetic emissions and are therefore detectable.

So why do I have the temerity to suggest that it is a piece of nonsense you may ask?

Well the answer to that question, I would say, is because of the facts, and with your permission I would like to set them out below.

If we go through the equation the first thing we come to is an ‘R’ representing ‘The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life’ and given the value 10. For me this figure actually appears to be on the low side and, besides that, strangely ignores the fact that many stars exist for billions of years? But this is not anything to do with the reason why I object to this equation.

Next we come to ‘fp’ representing ‘The fraction of those stars with planetary systems’ and given the value 0.5. Well, in view of subsequent astronomical observations, it looks as though this figure may be on the low side as well, but once again it is not the subject of my objection.

Then we come to ‘ne’ representing ‘The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life’ that is given the value 2. Now I could object to this value in a number of different ways but, in the interests of brevity, I will leave this highly speculative figure uncontested.

The real problem starts here with ‘fl’ representing ‘The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears’ that is given the number 1. You see, this whole equation masquerades as some sort of statistical analysis of the probability of alien life existing within our universe and broadcasting etc. But, as any statistician would tell you, when you only have one example of something, in this case only one example of a planet with any life on it at all, you are completely unable to perform any form of mathematical analysis based on this one single example of this event. So the correct number that should appear representing the value of ‘fl’ should actually be ? I.e. completely unknown. Insufficient data!

Next we have ‘fi’ ‘The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges’. But as I have explained above, we have only one example of this and therefore value for ‘fi’ should also be ?.

We have the same problem when we come to ‘fc’ ‘The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space’. With just one example of this event the correct value for ‘fc’ is therefore ?.

Finally we have ‘L’ ‘The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space’. Do I even have to explain to you why I think this makes no sense? Quite apart from the fact that we have only one example of a civilisation releasing detectable signals into space, we also have absolutely no evidence to suggest how long, in our particular instance, this process might continue or even if it might, of necessity, begin, elsewhere, at all!

So the Drake equation, in my opinion, is more the product of wishful thinking than the result of anything like rigorous scientific investigation and, in spite of how it may appear, it is not, in any way worthy of being considered the product of rigorous mathematical calculation. It only looks like maths.

So to clarify things I would like to propose the following as an axiom.

2 times x= 2x but 2 times ? does not equal 2? . Just as anything times 0 equals 0; anything times ? = ?

As the Drake equation, expressed correctly, contains at least 3 question marks, the correct product of the calculation must therefore be ‘?’.

Now in defense of Drake and his contemporaries, I think I should say that it might be that the Drake equation was only ever really intended as a sort of stimulus. A way of getting people to think about the problem, but what I object to is the way that, on many occasions, it has been represented as a sort of mathematical proof of something. I think the only thing that this equation proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, is that we just don’t know.

You see, if one accepts what I’ve written above, then one must automatically also accept the rather disappointing possibility, that in spite of the vast numbers of stars and planets that exist and have existed in our vast universe, logic would dictate that it is possible that the odds against intelligent life appearing on any of them is equally vast. If this is true then the ‘Fermi paradox’ (see is no paradox at all. The answer to Fermi’s question ‘Where is everybody?’ therefore logically, could be; HERE!

So instead of looking to the skies and wondering why we can detect not the faintest shred of evidence of alien life, in spite of the fact that we know, because of ideas like those expressed in the Drake equation, that the universe is teaming with millions of civilisations, perhaps we should set aside faith like beliefs and return to what I consider should be an axiom in all scientific investigation. If there is no evidence to suggest that something is there, then logic would dictate that one must assume that that is because it is not there!

Apparently all faith has the potential to be misplaced, including faith in what scientists say!

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If you liked that please have a look at this:


Or maybe this:





#Scientistsonacid #Arewealone #science #MarkAngelo #reality #alternatereality #spacetravel #timetravel #alienlife #alien #Drake #Drakeequasion #stardust #wearestardust #arewestardust #Sciencefiction #Thetruth #flatearth #fakescience


Okay I have been answering questions on ‘Quora’ a lot, but the problem I’m finding is that people are asking the wrong questions. What about the big stuff I wonder. People often try to answer the difficult ones by simply going with their ‘gut instinct’ etc, “I feel I am loved by a higher power, I know I have been given a purpose, I choose to believe….” but I would like, within this site and as a sort of experiment, to try and derive the answers to all questions, be they large or small, simply by the use of pure logic. The way Sheldon Cooper might! (Please hear the rest of this blog in his voice.)


So to the first question:


People have been asking this question because it is a subject that is broached in my brilliant novel ‘Adriana’ [ see ] It is a fictional work and therefore not everything within it should be taken too seriously, so please don’t, but more than that (no spoilers) I would prefer not to go into here!

Rather than answer the question ‘are we stardust?’ I think it would be more instructive to ask the question in a different form. ‘Is it reasonable to state that we are; and is it reasonable to state, as often is the case in the media, that all of the matter constituting our bodies was created within a star?’

If you were to count all of the atoms that constitutes what one might call ‘conventional matter’ (Baryonic matter) in the universe (ignoring, for the time being, strange stuff like dark matter and dark energy) then you could represent the entire distribution of the elements within the universe, in the following manner.


Which probably goes some way to explaining why, constituting the human body, the atomic ratio of the elements is as follows:

untitled 3Life uses what is available! We are mostly water, H2O!

So what is the point of all this?

Well it seems extremely unlikely that any of the hydrogen atoms, in your body, were originally made by a star. You see, just as kids destroy pizza, stars destroy hydrogen; it’s their primary fuel.

[ see ]

But there’s more. Whilst it is very easy to see how carbon could be represented as being dust, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen? None of these elements do we normally associate with dust as they, in their pure atomic state, spend most of their time existing, at least on earth that is, as gases. Sure you can combine hydrogen and oxygen to make water. Oxygen will combine with lots of other stuff too. One could accuse me of being a bit of a nitpicker with this complaint but why dust? Is it supposed to make someone think of fairy dust perhaps? How absurd!

Finally there is the question of the origin of the subatomic particles involved in all matter that we observe. You see, no proton, no neutron, (the building block of matter and us) for example, was ever created by a star. For their origin you need to go back to the Big Bang. The material that makes up all of atoms that constitute us, and all the physical things that surround us, is actually very nearly as old as the universe itself and pre-dates the existence of any star!

So the next time you see a well-known professor (like the good ‘Prof Colin Dicks’ in my book) staring up at the sky with tears in his eyes, whilst pronouncing on the glorious revelation that we are all stardust, do please remember that those tears he is crying, consisting mostly of two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen, may be made of atoms, the majority of which have never been anywhere near a star. (Personally I blame the song.)

By the way Joni Mitchell wrote that one and did an absolutely terrible version of it!


A Star Is Born

untitled 4 Whithin a huge cloud of……..err Stardust?

Well that was a pretty good rant. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did, but you may be asking yourself, was there any point to it. Well I believe there was, so here comes another one.

You see nearly everyone I know is now walking around thinking that they are star stuff. I imagine them lying in the baths looking down at their belly buttons in awe and wonder, amazed that the entirety of all of them was created within the heart of a star.

The problem is that sooner or later, perhaps due to someone like me, people are going to realise that the statement ‘we are all star dust’ that is currently being broadcast, throughout the media on a regular basis is, at the very least, a little misleading. Perhaps an attempt is being made to beguile, the assumed to be completely ignorant public, with pseudo-poetic insights, but I thought science was all about discerning the truth of things. Wouldn’t it be better if these people left poetry to the poets and concentrated on understanding and then disseminating the actual facts?

So why is that important, one might ask? Well, of course, the truth is always important but doubly so in our modern world. You see, serious scientists are warning us about global warming, seas polluted with plastic and toxins, the destruction of the rain forests, the possibility of a nuclear or biological holocaust or the extinction of humanity brought about by a celestial event, such as the one that took out most, but not all of the dinosaurs. The list goes on!

Just look around you. People applying scientific principals have been getting at the truth of things quite well haven’t they! Could you build the screen you’re looking at? Yet we live in a world full of people, some of them politicians, who seem to think they know better:

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screen shot 2019-01-09 at 14.51.36   The problem is that we need to be listening to what the real science is telling us, but when the so-called experts in the media talk, what in the fullness of time can be shown to be a load of old tosh, then they play into the hands of the conspiracy theorists and trumped up doubters like those indicated above. Everybody who has a vote, has a vote regardless of what they know or understand and every politician isn’t necessarily expert at anything other than perhaps making speeches. So it is important that when the voice of science is heard, it imparts clear and accurate information that we can all, always trust. Break that trust and you create a void that can be filled with the sort of dogma and ignorance that this world has been plagued with for far too long and at a time when we  no longer have the luxury of simply believing whatever suits us. A time when our collective ability to understand the true nature of our situation may prove to be a significant factor in determining whether our species (made of stardust or otherwise) actually has any kind of long term future at all.

If you liked that please have a look at this:


Maybe this:

Or maybe this:





We Are Not Alone

#Science #Sci-Fi #Reality #bestseller #Adriana #MarkLusardi #Books #Storyofeverything #psychological #psychologicalsci-fi #Ender’sGame #DanielKeys #MarkAngeloLusardi #reality #quantum #doubleslit #alternateuniverse, #alternatereality #Vert #strangeSci-fi #Delany

#Science #Reality #Stardust #Sci-Fi #Truth #Brian Cox #Adriana #Mark Angelo Lusardi

Next blog: The Drake Equation

Apparently we are surrounded by intelligent life thriving throughout the universe. That’s good to know isn’t it!